Amnesty International rapport: "OUR BROTHERS WHO HELP KILL US"

In haar jongste rapport van 30 april 2003 schrijft Amnesty International dat in Oost-Congo honderdduizenden Congolezen het slachtoffer zijn geworden van geweld door de oorlog sinds augustus 1998. De actoren in het gebied, de legers van Rwanda, Uganda en Burundi en Congolese rebellen, gaan tot nu toe vrijuit. Genoemde buurlanden hebben de controle over de nationale rijkdommen van Congo, zelfs na het zogenaamde wegtrekken van hun legers. De exploitatie van Congolese mineralen vormt de belangrijkste factor bij de voortdurende strijd. De roof van deze grondstoffen is tot nu toe door de internationale gemeenschap niet veroordeeld.

Voor geinteresseerden verwijzen we naar het volledige rapport.

Een citaat ter informatie:

"It is estimated that more than three quarters of the killings in the DRC over the last four years have taken place in eastern DRC and about 90 per cent of the DRC's internally displaced population have fled violence in that region. However, in eastern DRC, the neighbouring states of Rwanda and Uganda, in alliance with Congolese armed political groups have systematically plundered the region on a vast scale, justifying their military intervention and control of the area by the threat to their own security from the activities of Rwandese and Ugandan insurgent groups operating from within the DRC. The ambition of all theses combatant forces to exploit eastern DRC's mineral and economic wealth has been the biggest single factor in the continuing violence. The major beneficiaries have been senior members of the Ugandan and Rwandese armed forces, foreign businesses and leaders of armed political groups. Recent troop withdrawals have not affected continuing control of the exploitation by Rwanda and Uganda. These economic interests have led to the emergence of a pattern of violence by all forces in the region that is aimed primarily at Congolese civilian communities and is predatory in character. "

werkgroep Congo-Ned
5 mei 2003