
Laurent Nkunda is op donderdag 22 januari 2009 gearresteerd door het Rwandese leger bij de Congolese grensplaats Bunagana.

Congo-Ned had in november 2007 reeds een actie gevoerd voor zijn arrestatie waarbij we een petitie stuurden aan de Secretaris-Generaal van de VN, die door honderdvijftig mensen mede werd ondertekend. Zie de tekst hieronder:

November 2007

Mr Ban Ki-moon
United Nations
New York
NY 10017

Mr Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon,

Laurent Nkunda is one of the many warlords who participated in the conflicts that have devastated the DRC and that have left behind more than 4 million dead persons in the last years. There is against him an international arrest order for war crimes and crimes against humanity issued by the authorities of the Democratic Republic of Congo, he has been identified as a war criminal by report A/58/534 from the United Nations Special Reporter on the situation of human rights in the DRC and report S/2005/72 from the UN General Assembly has also stated his name concerning the use of child soldiers.

We ask you to do your utmost so that the United Nations collaborate through MONUC with all possible means in L. Nkunda's arrest, thus achieving peace for the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Yours faithfully,